
Monday 30 May 2016

Challenge #4 - Results

Good Morning to you all.  I hope you are having a good week.

It's time for me to announce the winner and top 3 for challenge #4. I must say a big thanks to everyone who entered their lovely makes. As always it was a big decision to choose.

The winner of this challenge is:

I love every aspect of this which has come together to produce a beautiful make.  Be sure to take your winners badge.

The Top 3 for this challenge is :-

Ladies be sure to take your Pearly Sparkles badge.

The details of challenge #5 will be issued on the 1st of June..  I hope to see you there.



  1. wow I'm in the top 3. Thanks!!
    bye Ine

  2. Oh wow thank you so much for choosing my card as the winner I am thrilled, congratulations to the top 3
    lorraine x
