
Saturday 28 November 2020

Challenge #57 - Results

Good day to you all.  A big thank you for stopping by and joining in with us. 

It's time for me to announce the winner and top 3. 

The winner of this challenge is: (There are two winners because I couldn't decide!)

#17 Marja 



 Our Top 3 as chosen by our DT is :-
#15 Marlene 
#30 Repolainen 
#81 Judy V

 Be sure to take your Pearly Sparkles badge.
We are now on our Christmas Break but we will be back on 1st January with a new themed challenge
Crafty Hugs xxx



  1. Oh wow, I'm so honoured to have been chosen as one of the Top 3. Thank you so much. Congrats also to my fellow winners. Thank you for hosting such wonderful challenges and for the design team’s inspirational creations. I will display my badge with pride in my sidebar. Virtual hugs from Finland!!

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the Top 3. Congratulations to all the other winners. Marlene
